Subclass 186

Founded In 2014 Chennai, India

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (Subclass 186)

 This initiative is open to applicants with a minimum of three years of work experience in the nominated occupation who are sponsored by an Australian business to work in regional areas of Australia in the relevant occupation. While submitting this application, the applicant must have a subclass 457 visa.


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 There are three streams to apply for Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186):

 Direct Entry stream

 Labor agreement stream

 Get eligible for Australian citizenship

 Temporary Residence Transition stream

Benefits in subclass 186 Visa

 The applicant and their family members will get all the benefits of Australian permanent residence under this category.

 Applicant can work and live in Australia indefinitely

 Opportunity to study in Australia

 Applicant can Sponsor relatives/family members for permanent residence.

 Travel in and outside of Australia as much as they want until the visa expires

 Eligible to enroll in Medicare, Australia’s state-run healthcare program

 Opportunity to apply for Australian citizenship on fulfilling the residency obligations

Direct Entry Stream-subclass 186 visa

This program is open to applicants with a minimum of three years of work experience in the nominated occupation who are sponsored by an Australian employer in the relevant occupation. While submitting this application, the applicant must have a subclass 457 visa.

 Skilled Assessment is mandatory under this scheme.

 Applicant should meet the language requirements equivalent to IELTS 6 band in all modules.

 A secondary applicant who is above 18 years should meet the language requirement of IELTS 4.5 band overall or its equivalent.

Labour Agreement Stream-subclass 186 visa

 If the applicant is nominated by an Australian employer who is a party to the Labour agreement can apply under this scheme. The employer should nominate the applicant under any occupation in the skilled occupation list.

Temporary Residence Transition Stream-subclass 186 visa

 An applicant holding 457, TSS, or related Bridging Visa A, B or C can apply under this scheme. Applicant should be worked for 3 years full-time while holding a 457 visa and nominated by an Australian employer whose nomination is approved at least 6 months before applying for a subclass 186 visa.

 Skilled Assessment is not required under this scheme

 Applicant should meet the language requirements equivalent to the IELTS 5 band in all modules.

 A secondary applicant who is above 18 years should meet the language requirement of IELTS 4.5 band overall or its equivalent.

Eligibility Criteria to apply for Subclass 186 Visa

 The processing time wholly depends on various factors like:

 Applicant should be licensed, registered, or a member of a professional body if it is mandatory in the province.

 Age should be less than 45 if age is not mentioned in the labor agreement.

 Nominated by an Australian employer who is legally doing business in Canada.

 Should meet health requirements.

 Applicants should fulfill language requirements unless exempt.

 Should fulfill the requirement of the stream under which applicants apply.

 Should submit a skilled assessment if required.


Migrate Enquiry Form