New Zealand Immigration

Founded In 2014 Chennai, India

New Zealand Immigration

 New Zealand is seen as a land of opportunity, offering all the material advantages of a modern, industrialized state responsive to inventiveness and hard work, while blessed with an unspoiled landscape and coastline for the un-pressured pursuit of sport and recreation. The country is technologically advanced; it is a progressive democracy renowned for the quality and competitiveness of its farm and manufactured exports, its capacity to initiate social and economic advances, and the general prosperity and sporting prowess of its people.

 The current Immigration Policy facilitates quality migrants to come to New Zealand for mutual benefit. People having police convictions and/or major health problems may not be successful in their Permanent Residence application. The Immigration policy for New Zealand is presently is in favour of married couples, especially if the applicant and spouse hold graduate and/or Post Graduate qualifications which a compliant with the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.

 Skilled and business migrants account for at least 60% of the immigration program, with premium points allocated for job offers relevant to a person's qualifications or experience, favouring those who are seeking work in skilled and professional fields.


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 Immigration New Zealand facilitates the entry of visitors, students, workers, and permanent migrants. There are different types of New Zealand visas and work permits for those who wish to make New Zealand their home. New Zealand employers are looking for skilled migrants, who are talented and have skills that are in short supply and New Zealand immigration rules are mainly focusing on inviting the skilled migrants to come here, so if you are talented and have skills that are in short supply, for you.

 If anybody wishes to lodge an Immigration visa to New Zealand, the applicant should have relevant qualifications to the work experience and the right documentation helps the process. Also, English Language Skills are a must and the New Zealand Immigration Service will require an IELTS score as evidence of the language skill held.

There are different ways to migrate to New Zealand:

 New Zealand Skilled Migration Visas

 New Zealand Business Migration Visas

 New Zealand Family Migration Visas

 New Zealand Humanitarian visa

 New Zealand Temporary Residence visas

 Silver Fern Visa Category (Introduced in 2010).

The Skilled Migration category has been designed to attract highly skilled and qualified migrants to New Zealand, particularly in the industrial sectors and regions that are experiencing growth but facing a shortage of professionals. The country’s selection system is flexible and only important stages are taken into consideration before an applicant can apply for skilled migration to the country.

 The Business Immigration visa has been designed for individuals who wish to start a new business, take over an existing business or place an investment in the country. There are majorly three types of New Zealand Business Visa: –


 This category attracts business people who have the capital to invest in New Zealand. It allows them to be granted permission to become permanent residents if they meet the eligibility criteria.


 If you are an experienced business person and you want to be self-employed in your own business in New Zealand, applying for a work visa under the Entrepreneur Work Visa Category may be an option for you.

 Employees of Relocating Business

 This category facilitates the entry of employees of businesses that have relocated to New Zealand, and who do not qualify for residence under any other business category.

 The Government of New Zealand encourages foreign students to study in their universities and colleges. Along with the studies, the students can also work for up to 20 hours a week. Students, who have completed the requisite qualifications and meet the permanent resident criteria, can apply for a work permit and/or permanent residency after completion of their studies.

 The main objective of the New Zealand Work Visa is to contribute to the development of the industry and economy of the country by attracting skilled people from all across the world. There are two options under this:

Work to Resident

 This category allows individuals wishing to permanently settle in the country to upgrade their temporary work visa to a permanent resident visa.


 This category allows New Zealand employers to hire foreign skilled workers for vacant positions which no local workers can fulfil.

 The Family Visa category allows the immigrant’s partner/spouse and dependent children up to the age of 24, to obtain permanent resident status in New Zealand. Less dependent family members will require sponsors who have held permanent residency in New Zealand for a minimum of three years. Applicants may require an offer of employment as well.

 Normally, your arrival must be within 1 year from the date of your medical tests or police certificates, which occur during the processing of your residence visa application. So, if you deduct part of the official processing time, you will generally be left with 6 to 12 months to land in New Zealand. The exception is for temporary visas, such as work visas, in which case you may only have several months to enter the country


How much does it cost to legally immigrate to the New Zealand?

 The cost of immigration to New Zealand will depend on the type of visa you are seeking. For a customized list of charges and fees for the visa you are seeking get in touch with us.

How much time does it take for immigration to New Zealand?

 The time taken for processing immigration applications can vary based on what type of visa you are applying for, your personal profile as well as the consulate you are applying from. It is very important to furnish all the correct information and documents to avoid unnecessary delays.


Migrate Enquiry Form