Singapore Immigration

Founded In 2014 Chennai, India

Singapore Immigration

 Singapore is the fourth leading financial center in the world, and its port is one of the five busiest ports in the world. The economy is heavily dependent on exports and refining of imported goods, especially in manufacturing, which accounts for 26% of Singapore's GDP in 2005. Singapore has the third-highest per capita income in the world in terms of buying power parity.

 Today, Singapore has a highly developed market economy and is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, and most business-friendly.

 Singapore attracts a large amount of foreign direct investment as a result of its location, corruption-free climate, skilled labour, low tax rates, and advanced infrastructure.


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Why Singapore?

 There is not one, but a myriad of reasons why immigrating from India to Singapore is a great idea. Singapore has an open-door immigration policy.

 Also, Singapore has a growing economy. This means that people are paid quite high. Also, the cost of living in Singapore is less as compare to any other country. This is why Singaporeans can save a part of their income for themselves. If not these, then you can visit Singapore for its scenic beauty, high-rise buildings, and cleanliness which every street in this country offers.

Ways To Immigrate

Singapore Employment Pass

 This pass is meant for highly skilled candidates. The job pass is to be applied for by the organization which employs the employee. It has been given for almost two years. You'll be pleased to hear that there are no levies or limits on this pass. If you make more than $4000, you can bring your wife as well as your son. But if your income is more than $8,000, you can also call your parents.

Singapore Entre Pass

 Often referred to like the Entrepreneur Pass, this Pass can be renewed after one year. This is intended for those people who want to start a company in Singapore. However, the defendants can be brought only after the past has been renewed.

Singapore Personalized Employment Pass (PEP)

 If you're high-earning people, this pass is designed for you. This can be tailored according to your job in case you plan to leave the organization you work for. This Visa is valid for three years and, as a result, all dependents can be taken to Singapore. Besides, the individual will be allowed to remain in Singapore for six months, even without a job.

Singapore S Pass

 This pass is intended for less skilled people. It is implemented by the company that hires the employee. There is a quota, though. This pass is valid for two years and can be extended for a further three years. If the individual can make $4000, the dependents can also be taken in.

Moving to Singapore with Family:

Singapore Dependent’s Pass

 This pass is also used by the company that sponsors the passes mentioned above. No levies or quotas are applicable. This pass is also valid for two years and can be renewed further.

Singapore Long Term Visit Pass

 As long as the EP, PEP, or S passes are valid, the same company can apply for a long-term visit pass. This pass is for those individuals who want to bring their stepchildren or parents to Singapore whilst they are working.

Singapore Dependent’s Pass and Long-Term Visit Pass for Entre Pass Holders:

 If you want to become a permanent resident of Singapore, this choice is available for you. People plan to live permanently for a variety of reasons. This could include high-priority education for girls, easy living in the country without any visa requirements, and the acquisition of the right to purchase property in Singapore.

PTS Scheme for Singapore PR

 Under this scheme, if a person has a valid employment pass or an entrepreneur's pass in Singapore, they can apply for permanent residence.

Global Investor Program for Singapore PR

 Under this program, an individual can spend approximately SDG 2.5 million in an entrepreneurial business and can easily qualify for legal residence. The person, however, should have an excellent track record in his industry.

Foreign Artistic Talent Scheme for Singapore PR

 Individuals talented in arts such as photography, music, dance, theatre, literature, or film wanting to migrate to Singapore can apply for permanent residency through this scheme. If you wish to get eligibility under this scheme, then you should be a recognized artist in your own country, and you should contribute to your particular artistic field in Singapore as well.

Types of Singapore Visas:

You can obtain this Visa by moving to and applying for the nearest Singaporean embassy. If you wish to be registered for an e-visa, it can be done online. Tourist Visa is probably the most common reason why people apply to go to Singapore for a while.
If you are a skilled employee making more than $3,600 per month, you would be considered for this form of Visa. It is normally valid for two or three years and can be renewed accordingly.

 If you plan to relocate your business to Singapore, you will be eligible for this Visa. It is valid for one year and can be extended after that.

There are times that a single employer does not hire people. In such a case, a personalized

 The Work visa is for those individuals who make about $2200 per month.

 If your job is a little different and you are away from the categories mentioned above, you should apply for this work pass. However, you should understand that this is only provided for a short period.

 You are eligible under this pass, if your spouse, a parent, has a fixed income of $6000 per month in Singapore.

 A valid work pass ensures your eligibility for permanent residence. However, for further info, you have to contact the Singaporean embassy.


Migrate Enquiry Form