Visitor Visa

Founded In 2014 Chennai, India

Visitor Visa

 Visitor or Tourist visas are issued to tourists who want to visit a country for a vacation or sightseeing. These visas have a limited validity period and do not allow foreign visitors to conduct any business while in the country. However, the application procedure, eligibility requirements, and the required documents can vary from country to country.

 A visitor visa can have a variety of purposes that can range from getting medical treatment, for short-term business purposes or even for leisure. The purpose of this visit, however, needs to be made amply clear. The individual also needs to show clear intent of returning to the country of origin once the purpose of the visit is served. The visitor visa has a strict deadline and the applicant may also have to specify exactly the amount of time they will be spending in the country.

 The US, for example, has two categories under the visitor visa B1 and B2. Each country has its unique specifications and norms regarding the visa and should be approached under expert guidance. The applicant must explain the purpose of their visit in great detail while also providing the required documents, reference letters, and an undertaking of return.Depending upon the country, the duration of the visa changes, this is also heavily dependent upon the application and the nature of the visit. The regulations of the country regarding this visa need to be carefully acknowledged and adhered to if one wants their application to be processed smoothly.


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 It is ideal to plan the reissuing of your visa or an extension of your trip in advance, the possibility should always be kept in mind to avoid last-minute hassles. Some countries require you to travel back to your country of origin and come back before you are granted a renewal. To avoid such a situation it is important to plan your visitor visa and trip in a timely fashion. Plan your travel itinerary by the amount of time you are expecting to spend in the country. Renewals are tricky and should be approached only under the careful guidance of the professionals Fynd Global.

Documents Required Visitor Visa

 Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

 Evidence of your employment and/or your family ties may be sufficient to show the purpose of your trip and your intent to return to your home country. If you cannot cover all the costs for your trip, you may show evidence that another person will cover some or all costs for your trip.

Get Expert Support For Your Visitor Visa

As one of the India’s leading visa & migration consultancies, FyndGlobal can help you create a business visa application with high chances of success. A dedicated visa consultant will be appointed to your case and will assist you throughout the process. Our support includes:

 Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (stated in the application form; the authority may request supporting documents)

 Document checklist

 Complete business visa application support

 Assistance with collecting supporting documentation

 Visa Interview Preparation – if required

 Updates & Follow-up with the Consulate


Visa Enquiry Form